This simple card is not imposing in it's own right, it's what it represents, dear reader, that is the important thing! Today I am formally declaring all-out war against the stacks and stacks of 12x12 paper that I have that I never use!
The sheet I have used in the background is from a My Mind's Eye christmas pad I have, and some of the stripes are faintly glittered. It was sitting there, to be honest, looking at me in a slightly arrogant way, thinking it was safe at least until late November. Let me tell you, when I cut into it, it didn't know what had hit it! (insert maniacal laugh here)
This is only the start, the tyrannical rule of the 12x12s over my craft room is coming to an end! :)

Friday, 18 March 2011
This is a Declaration of War!
memento ink pad
stampers anonymous
tim holtz
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Your card is gorgeous ...and the paper looks great :o))
In the past I also used some of my old papers and it feels good :o))
wish U a great weekend!
Hooray for that. I with you 100% atta boy - I'm sure you'll have an army of followers feeling highly intimidated by the hordes of 12 x 12's - and lets not forget the pesky 6 x 6 lurkers either.
Onwards and upwards through the piles I say - I'll follow if you lead.
Problem I have with 12x12 is that it know you bought it, you need to use it but can you find it - NOPE!!!
Think this declaration needs to be expanded as that 12x12 is pretty tricky stuff...
Toni :o)
oh I love this new EvilDan... have you got a white fluffy cat sitting on your lap, whilst you stroke it wearing a glove and laughing like a loon? Or is that just me being a bit mad?? LOVE the card... when you have finished on your 12 x 12's..come and sort mine out ROFL
I think I need to join your army!
You have an Allied Alliance here!!! Seeking out and using the massive amounts of 12 X 12 paper here too!!! Love what you've done with yours!!!
Sing it, brother! This reign of tyranny must end! It's time for the worm to turn!
*eyes encroaching piles of 12x12 with renewed courage*
Need to hit my 12x12's in a similar way !! Nice card !
great work Dan, good luck with using the stash
I'm with you there, Dan, last night I started my war against all the paper I've accumulated over the years...I could start my own shop! Well, I love your piece, it's awesome!
Go you - Go you - Go you.
I have that stack!! I had it Saudi and it went home to Scotland and then out here to Canada... a weel travelled stack!! I made Christmas trees with it last Christmas so my taming of the stacks started early, good to see you using it at last!!
An admirable crusade that I definitely should join in with. March of the 12x12 stack users!! I have so many and on one even wonder what I thought buying it cause it is so not me! Mind you I can't stand the thought of giving them away. Guess I better start using them. Vickie
Well done beautiful card - vive la revolution :) Thanks for making me laugh
Well done on declaring war on that stack and what a great use for a dare I say it christmas paper...
Oh I laughed when I read the paper was looking at you in an arrogant way!! My whole scraproom does that on a regular basis, saying why did you buy me if you are going to neglect me this way!
This made me laugh too:) I can relate,,,totally with what you are doing. I REALLY want to join you in the crusade.
Wow! You make me laugh. You have a whole army here with you because it seems we all have stacks of it. Maybe we should declare it a square foot war!
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