Saturday 22 September 2007

All is Full of Love

After getting a bucketload of free mount board off-cuts from my local framing shop, I cut some squares and started to muck about with acrylic paint and some new (and old) stamps. I was listening to some music and All is Full of Love by Bjork came on, one of my favorites of her songs, so rather than throw out my experiments I stamped some of the song words onto them and bound them together with the Bind-it-all. (I can't stop binding things! It's so nice when you get a gadget that actually does what it says it will in the ads! lol)

I make no great artistic claims for this, I was just messing around. Nice to have them in a book rather than floating around on my desk getting messed up or lost! Click on any of the images if you want to see a larger version.


Page 1

Page 2/3 - "You'll be given love, you'll be taken care of"

Page 4/5 - "You'll be given love, you have to trust it"

Page 6/7

Page 8/9 - "Twist your head around, it's all around you"

Page 10/11 - "All is full of love. All around you."

As ever, comments welcomed!

Saturday 8 September 2007

Nursery Wrongs

I got to thinking about nursery rhymes the other day, you know, the way you do (or maybe you don't, but I do). They're all so old now, often written as cautionary tales about events of the time, for example, I believe that ring-a-ring-a-roses is about the great plague.

I thought it was time some of them were updated to caution against more modern phenomena such as divorce, drug addiction, etc. Cheery soul, aint I?


Page 1

Pages 2/3
"Peter, Peter, married cheater, always looks for something sweeter"

Pages 4/5
"Little Miss Muffet sat on a bus, her marriage had crumbled with minimum fuss"

Pages 6/7
"Georgy Porgy, pudding and pie, addicted to pills that made him high"

Pages 8/9
"Monday's child is tense of face, with nervous glance and can of mace"

Pages 10/11
"Jack Sprat got none of that, his wife was never keen"

Pages 12/13
"Lucy Locket, electric socket, farewell note stuffed in her pocket"

Pages 14/15
"Matilda told such dreadful lies, a friendless life became her prize".

Comments welcome, as always!

Friday 7 September 2007

In-flight Entertainment

This project is based around the movie descriptions in an Air Canada in-flight magazine. They were so short that taken out of context the sentences seemed a little bizarre, and many of them were not even recognisable as the movies they were supposed to be describing!

Pages 1/2 - "A commitment-phobic man keeps falling for a woman with no short term memory".

Pages 4/5 - "A professor framed for a murder in the Louvre unravels a religious mystery".

Pages 6/7 - "The son of a brilliant archaeologist receives the ancient map that his father died to protect".

Pages 8/9 - "A Manhattan orphan infiltrates a brutal gang in order to avenge his father's death".

Pages 10/11 - "After a series of unsuccesful romantic set-ups, a visually impaired man meets a woman he could fall for".

Pages 12/13 - "Stripped of her noblesse, a French woman goes to Versailles to try and win back her status". The attached mini-book contains an account of the famous case of "The Ghosts of Versailles", in which 2 women on holiday in Paris in 1901 claimed to have gone back to the time of Marie Antoinette.

Comments welcomed!
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