Thursday 26 June 2008

So good, they named it twice!

EDIT: I've just realised that "holiday" was meant in the halloween/christmas/USA type of sense, not in the "vacation" sense as we use it here in England, so my effort might seem a little strange to some, lol. Ah well, these differences make life interesting!!

This is my entry for the Theme Thursday challenge, which this week is "favorite holiday".

The holiday I have referred to in the creation of this piece is one that I took in 1994, to New York and San Francisco. My best friend was terminally ill at that time, and only had a few months left, and as I'd just collected a heathly redundancy payment from the job I'd had, the timing was perfect for one last big adventure together!

We had a wonderful time, it was a bit like the slogan in that TV ad they have for holidays in the US right now - "You've seen the movie, now visit the set!". It seemed like just around every corner was a diner, or a street, or a bridge or something that we could recall from some movie or other!

We arrived in New York at around 9 pm, and as it was October it was already dark. We set off walking hesitantly from our hotel in Chelsea (on the fringes of the "meatpacking district") down to Times Square (this was in the days before it was all "cleaned up") and we felt certain that we were going to be mugged or shot at any moment!

Ah, look, you got me all distracted then for a minute, with my reminiscing, but that's enough for now! I hope you like the house, click on the image to see a larger version :o)


K said...

lovely house art!

Unknown said...

Great House...I love the shape and your Holiday sounds like it was perfect!

Femmy said...

great house!! love it!

Sandy said...

Wow this is unbelievable work.
Great piece of art.

Lorraine said...

liked reading about your adventure and liked your new york house especially the campbells soup tin..very andy warhol

voodoo vixen said...

Love the house Dan and the trip sounds like it was totally memorable and fun.

x Rachel x said...

great house Dan, & how fab you went on such a amazing holiday with your best friend, such good memeories for you i'm sure x

Jilly said...

i love this! love all your little houses but this is my fave!

Jo said...

Fantastic Dan! Your little houses are really inspiring!

Unknown said...

Fabulous house Dan - my favouritist holiday was also in New York and the phrase is true - I have always said I would never go to the same destination twice until I have travelled the world - apart from New York! I still can't get over seeing the Ghost Busters station when I was least expecting too!

CraftyC said...

How cool is that Dan!!!! Great stamp,

Hels Sheridan said...

Love it Dan, and there was I , all settled into reading a lovley story and you cut it short!!! Can we have part two next post please? :O)) Sounds like you had a fab time, I would love to go to NY - that is on my things to do before I am 40 list, so I best get saving!!! xx

Char said...

What a hoot. Love this house. Soup is a great idea.

Dawn said...

Great images there - love the soup! Grilliant!

Andrea said...

Dan thats a great memory and what a fab last thing to do, love the house you have made x

Faye said...

Wonderful adventure and wonderful art.

Jazzy1972 said...

This is brilliant, I love cultural icons witha smack of humour and the house is stunning. Jay xx

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

love New York, New York! Fab artwork and totally evocative of it x

Angie C said...

Stunning house and what a nice adventure for you and your friend

Kris Dickinson said...

Love this patriotic house!

Jeanie said...

This is really cool.

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