This week the challenge is called "Our House", so how could I resist, seeing as I was already making houses for a swap I'm in?
Nothing new about this one technique-wise, just lots of the usual masking, ink blending and overstamping.
I hope you like it, click on the image for a larger view! :o)
Fantastic tag! You've created a whole little scene from layering colours and stamps and it's wonderful! I'm so jealous of people who can do that, I have to rely on papers lol! Thanks so much for taking part (and for being so understanding!)
OMG, this is absolutely wonderful (picking jaw up off floor!). I love the quirky shape of your houses and you blend colours soooo perfectly! It's a fantastic tag Dan - Thank You so much for playing along - you're a star! ;o)
fantastic sas usual Dan, will I ever learn to blend colours like you do?
This is another little masterpiece, Dan. I sooooooooo enjoy looking at your work. Inspirational! :)
Great Tag. Love the little scene on it.
what a beauty and I wish I had a tiny bit of your talent Dan,you know you really should give lessons,I hope that when you finish the houses for the swap that you continue to make others xx
Great house tag, Dan - I've only just found your blog for the first time....what took me so long???
You've gone on my faves - incredible artwork!!!
Love the shape of the chimney! Fab house tag Dan, the colour blending and overstamping create agreat effect, love it!
Beautiful work Dan, as ever XXX
absolutley lovely! well done
love it especially the birds-lol. kjjc
Hope you like it? Yes, I do! This is so wonderful, especially the colors.Sonja.
Wow fabulous tag
I love the template you used for this house, but the stamping EVEN MORE!!! Great work, Dan
Love it! It's almost as gorgeous as you xx
Beautiful Dan, I looooove this sooo much!! Hels xx
Another fabulous piece, your work is sooooo great!
Gorgeous tag Dan! The inspiration for my tag for this challenge came from you!!
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