The background is taken from a Butcher's Block pad. The original paper was larger than the size I wanted, so I actually had to cut it down to size myself. I stamped the fairy in the centre of the page and sprinkled gold embossing powder. I then heated it with a heat gun. This melted the powder and made it go all shiny. Finally, I cut the peel off borders to size so that they would exactly fit, then stuck them onto the page, taking care to see that they were evenly spaced.
Hang on, what's that? April the what? That'll teach me to look at my calendar more frequently, I'm 6 days late! :o)
I am drooling with anticipation - I count myself high in the list of Tom's top fans XXX
I to am waiting with bated breath and can not wait to see such a master at work and what he produces x
OMG!!!! Tom is my mostest favest person in the wholest widelyest worldest....I am drooling even more with even bigger bated breaths...(I said bigger breaths, bigger breaths, bigger breaths)....cannot wait to see this most wonderfullest of productions....Tom at his most masterfullest will certainly command my fullest of attentions!
What can I say??? It's absolutely fantastic!! beautiful!!... it must have taken hours to make!!! I guess it helps having such a wonderful stamp to work with though ^.^
hee hee
OMG Dan my lips are sealed, for a change, words fail me LOL xx
ROTFPMSL you are so funny!!! Love this blog!!
OMG Dan - all that practicing has paid off - I never thought your work could be this good XXX I feel so proud! Shiny you say - WOW .... Well I never X
Isn't she a beauty, once again I am astounded by your creative genius. i'll be looking out ofr your work on eBay xx
Blimey Dan, you must have toiled for hours on this delightful your fingers must be worn to the bone with all that cutting and measuring...and I am so happy to see that you have returned to Peel Off World again :O))
Wow Dan, what a brilliant work of art you created from such a fabulous stamp ROFL
Thanks for the top tip on cutting the paper to fit the project - now I know where I've been going wrong :)
This would be worth over a hundred pounds if you could buy it on the High Street :o)
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