[Edit - These files are no longer available from this site. Email me for details of how to access past design collections]
It's Saturday again, and that can only mean one thing - an awful pun for the title of this post! No, that's not what I mean, I mean it's time for some new, original, FREE shapes for you to download!!
Today's selection are wings - use them for angels, fairies or even as shown below!!
Here are images of the files, along with an idea of what the cut example will look like. As usual, I have cut these out on the Cricut before uploading them, to make sure that they cut as they should! Click on the images to see a larger view.

These files may not be uploaded to a group, forum or website for sale or redistribution, or shared among individuals. They are expressly for the personal use of each person that downloads them from this blog.
Because there are 2 sets of files, I have put them into a zip file to make downloading easier. After saving it, open in the usual way, and drag the templates out onto your desktop or wherever you wish to save them.
There are 3 versions of each template:
- A printable version (JPG files) that you can import into a program like Word, then resize, print, cut out and use like any other paper template (these are NOT Word files, so don't use File/Open in Word! Use Insert/Picture to bring them into a Word document).
- An SVG version which can be imported into the Sure Cuts a Lot program and then cut out on your Cricut.
- A DXF version which is Craft Robo friendly, and ready to be imported into your Robomaster software (I'm not a Robo user, so if there are any problems with this, please let me know!)
Any feedback on the templates is more than welcome, and if you have any suggestions for possible future templates you'd like to see, please let me know! If you make anything using one of the templates, please post a link to it here so that others can be inspired by how you've used them!
I hope you like the templates - let me know how you get on! :)
Templates © dan99crafter@gmail.com 2008
These are GREAT!! Thanks Dan!!
Thanx for your generosity Dan!
Beautiful wings! Angels, cherubs, hearts, flying pigs & horses...Fun!
I'm working on a winged shoe for a cross-country team window decal... these will improve my design 100%! Thanks, Dan!
Oooooh, I loooooooooooooooooooooooooove these wings.....I need to get a CriCut ... like now!!! Thanks for the fab templates Dan and all the hard work you put into designing them xx
Thank you for sharing your imaginative creations with us
I don't know how you do it, but you keep coming up with things I absolutely love!!!!!!! Thanks Dan!!!! The wings are awesome!!!!!
Thanks Dan, the wings are fab
Thank you Dan, another great addition.
Wow, they are great! Thanks again, Dan!
Oh wow......fabulous.
Thanks so much.
Thank you Dan - these are just perfect XXX
these rock Dan, thanks!
Oh, how wonderful these wings are. I think they will put the finishing touches on my daughters memorial album. Thanks so much for sharing!
brilliant!!!!!!! thanks a lot
I love these wings Dan, thank you.
Thanks for another great template share Dan. You're a *
Yes Dan and I have copied a folder full of projects and find their videos and free download sheets so clear, precise and expertly done!
It's cool to look back through the Archives too and I can't wait for their fall program to start!
Always look up your blog too, thanks for all the hard work you put in!
These wings are beautiful, can't wait to use them. Thanks!
Thanks again! Nice work.
these are just great Dan, thankyou xx
Thanks Dan....
Thank you for all the fabby freebies.
Thanks AGAIN Dan.
Hi Dan Shirley has led me to you and I'm thrilled thanks for the download, I love the wings.
Thanks Dan!!!
love it :D thanks !!!
Oh, Dan, these are my favorite. Love them!
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