I know there are several tutorials already out there on how to do this, but since someone asked me to do it, I thought I may as well give my take on it!
Although I use Paint Shop Pro in this video to get my image ready for tracing, all graphics packages these days have similar tools, so you shouldn't have too much trouble adapting it to your own program. It also demonstrates the basics of tracing an image in Inkscape. I hope you find it useful :)
I talk of saving the file as an SVG and cutting it on the Cricut in Sure Cuts a Lot, but obviously, you could also save it as a DXF file and cut it on the Craft Robo or related machines.

Sunday, 18 January 2009
Video Tutorial - JPG to SVG
Craft Robo
Sure Cuts a Lot
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Thank you Dan for the video.
Dan, thanks for your great tutorials, I am finding them very useful.
Dan, you rock! NancyS
You make everything look easy, Dan! Thanks for this video.
Excellent tutorial. Even I understood it and have successfully made 7 SCG files. Thank you Dan. Much appreciated.
YESSSS I just tried it and it worked :D:D:D I'm very happy right now. Thanks!
Thanks Dan, for al the great tutorials. This is very useful.
Thanks Dan for the great tutorials. I have learned alot from you. I have posted an award on my blog for you. http://estherscreativedesigns.blogspot.com/
That tutorial was super-helpful. I followed along and was able to do it right the first time. You Rock! Also, where can I get that Cross image you used on the tutorial?
Thank you so much!! Great tutorial. I used it tonight with great success.
You never cease to amaze me with all the knowledge you have. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent with us.
Thank you, Dan!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, Thank -you so very much!
You helped me a lot!
Thanks again,
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You saved the day for me. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working for me to just save the image as an .svg You helped me figure out that I needed to trace bitmap first - I followed all your steps and I did it!! YES! Thank You so much!!!
Great tutorial! I just got SCAL this past weekend and Inkscape last night, so I have lots to learn. This was very useful - thank you!
Dan, thanks for the video...I just got my SCAL...all this info will be so helpful for me to learn!!! Thanks so much.
This is my first visit to your blog.
I am amazed at your videos. I want to get a Cricut and so happy to see that I can cut other projects with it.
Your videos were such a huge help.
Thank you so much.
Have a great day!
Thank you dan! I use PSP a lot and I love it. I am thrilled to see someone do videos with this program so I can combine my psp knowlege with my scrapbooking skills! You Rock! Lesa
Thanks.. This is Amazing and now i am converting everything :) you are so talented.. Hope you are feeling better too :)
Once again Dan you rock! Thank you so much for the video tutorial. It makes all that mumbojumbo technical stuff soo much easier to understand and i love that you remind us to pause the video and check the settings. :)
Great tutorial! I have been watching your videos.
I would love to have the cross.jpg in this tutorial. Could you reveal your source??? It would make some very nice easter cards for the folks at my church.
Thanks, Wendy
Thank you from another longtime PSP user! So far, I've created a black outline graphic in PSP, saved as a jpeg and then "import data" into Robo Master's "GET OUTLINE" tool.
Is this pretty much the same thing? Or bringing it into Inkscape and saving as a SVG is going to produce a better result?
What a great blog this is! A goldmine of information! Thank you!
For Craft Robo users, is this a better way to do it than just save as a jpeg in PSP and use Robo Master's "get outline" tool?
Hey there! Welcome 'back'
This video is exactly what I hoped for. Nothing more than the essentials - but now I'm so much smarter.
you just opened up a whole new world to me! thank you! thank you! thank you! and it helps me even more that you also use PSP as most tutorials use Photoshop.
Thanks Dan. If only I had found this blog yesterday.... I would have saved myself three hours of thinking I knew what I was doing and stuffing up badly.
Am off to watch a few more of your videos.
Thank you for your video, it is exactly what I need.
Dan, thank you for showing this! I'm wondering, what version of Paint Shop Pro you were using? Thanks!
I was using Paint Shop Pro version 9 Jann.
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