Ephemera is the plural of ephemeron, I had no idea. You probably did, but then you've always been smarter than me! (You're kind-hearted though, and don't bring it up in conversation all the time, for which I'm grateful!)
The theme over on the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge this week is "Ephemera", and seeing that "tickets" is so clearly mentioned in the dictionary.com definition, my plan of attack for this challenge was clear!

The Lost and Found stack from Tim Holtz and one of his stamp sets provided the tickets, so the ephemeration of this piece was complete! (Ephemeration? Is that right? Perhaps it's ephemerosity or even ephemericiousness? Whatever, you know what I mean!)
The background and tickets were sprayed with Sailboat Blue and Sunset Orange color wash sprays and the clouds were hand drawn. That's probably all the explanation you need, the picture pretty much explains the rest! As ever, click on the pic to see a better view.
Our ever-generous sponsor Simon Says Stamp is offering a $50 gift voucher as the prize again this week! The winner will be chosen at random from those who enter the challenge, so why not give it a try? At the very least why not head over to the Challenge Blog to see how the other members of the design team have interpreted this weeks theme! :)