
Saturday, 26 March 2011

Freebie #61!

Fancy-edged Book

[This file is no longer available here - contact me for info on how to get older files]

Believe it or not, if you cut with a page height of 3.5 inches (perfect size for a brag book), all 7 pages will fit onto 1 sheet of 12x12 cardstock! If you use double-sided cardstock you can cut the whole thing from one 12x12 sheet and just turn each alternate page over for a quick, stylish base for making a stunning keepsake gift!

Please remember you are only allowed to download this file for your own use and can not share it or distribute it to others in any form. I spend a great deal of time creating my designs, please respect the terms under which they are shared.

Again, this template will be "live" for 1 week. Next week it will be taken down. Don't forget, if you have any requests, pass them on! I can't promise, but I will take suggestions into account when planning future templates.

These files may not be uploaded to a group, forum or website for sale or redistribution, or shared among individuals. They are expressly for the personal use of each person that downloads them from this blog.

There is 1 file and I have put it into a zip file to make downloading easier. After saving it, open in the usual way, and drag the file out onto your desktop or wherever you wish to save it.

There are 2 versions of each template:
  • An SVG version which can be imported into the Sure Cuts a Lot or Make the Cut program and then cut out on your Cricut.
  • A DXF version which is Craft Robo friendly, and ready to be imported into your Robomaster software (I'm not a Robo user, so if there are any problems with this, please let me know!)
Simply click on the appropriate button below to download the file!

Any feedback on the templates is more than welcome, and if you have any suggestions for possible future templates you'd like to see, please let me know! If you make anything using one of the templates, please post a link to it here so that others can be inspired by how you've used them!

I hope you like the templates - let me know how you get on! :)

Files © 2011


  1. Never attempted a book - this now gives me a change and the challenge. Will post it when I do.
    Thanks for the file and haven't had a chance to ask how your Mother is fairing (I lost mine recently and haven't been on-line and just now remembered about your mom and hope all is well.

  2. Thank You!!!!!!!!
    Very nice!!!!!

  3. Dan, thanks! This is a great idea. Simple yet perfect! Thanks again!

  4. Thanks for the file Dan...


  5. As always, thanks for the file. I love your cute little guy slow moving in the lower right hand corner -- too cute!

  6. Thanks for sharing, will add this to my collection.

  7. This looks like fun! Thank you for sharing.

    blessings, patchworkhen

  8. Hi Dan!
    I am changing my blog around...there seems to be to many blogs that I love so instead of just having the link I am grabbing the buttons and also adding brief what can I write for what all you do?? Let me know..have a great one!!

  9. Thanks Dan - this looks fantastic.

  10. Thanks Dan, love this book and I'm sure it will come in very handy.

  11. Thanks so much for sharing Dan. Great file.

  12. fab file. Thanks for sharing! I can see some Easter treat brag books coming up!

  13. Thanks for the file Dan !

  14. This is my first time here, and signed on as a follower, thank alot for sharing.

  15. I really like the fancy edges. I have not made a book, but I think using your file to make one will be my project for today. Thank You!

  16. Hi Dan, So sorry to see you're leaving Gingersnaps. But on the Upside I can now become a member of your Blog and see all your Beautiful Creativity and Clever Tips in one Place. Many Thanks.
    Kind Regards,
    Beverley Leeson.......

  17. Thanks so much! I have been wanting to give these kinda books a try. I've heard you can recycle cereal boxes to make's to that 'ol college try! Keep up the awesome work!

  18. I've never made a brag book - but this should get me started! Thx

  19. thanks for sharing your awesome little book.

  20. Super fun freebie, thanks so much!


  21. Very Impressive, Dan!! Thank you!!

  22. Thank You Dan! I am excited to use this book!

  23. Thank you Dan. This will make a gorgeous book for my daughter, who is getting married next month!

    Your generosity in sharing is appreciated!

  24. Thanks a million for the free file Dan, I've always admired these books but never attempted making one myself. Think this shall make an interesting Sunday afternoon project!

  25. Your files are all so well done...when I use them I get a great project that looks great. Thank you for being so generous with your cut files.

  26. As usual you have outdone yourself.

  27. Awesome! Thanks for sharing!! :-D You are "The Man", Dan!!! :-)

  28. ooh, thanks for sharing Dan :D

  29. AWESOME!!!! Fantastic idea to use all one piece of cardstock! Will give it a try!!
    Susan Chong

  30. Thanks for the file. I'll have to try one of these!

  31. Thank you! This will be so much fun!!!

  32. Thanks for the file . I never tried one of these books and I am new to MTC so this is going to be a challenge . also thanks for the tips.

  33. Thank you for sharing! I have a new granddaughter and this will be perfect to try!

  34. Perfect timing - daughter is moving home soon and I was thinking of making a new book to keep the measurements of each room in, etc.

    Thanks, Dan!

  35. These will be so useful. Thank you.

  36. Thank you Dan!

  37. Thanks for the file, Dan, and for the tip on how to make it from one piece of paper! I can't wait to try it out.

  38. Thanks Dan can not wait to do the book

  39. Thanks for the AWESOME freebie-and I love the idea to make your own printer's tray!
