
Saturday 12 March 2011

He's the King of the castle!

As you can probably tell by now, I'm still not tired of doing these 5x5 cards :) I think this one is probably my favourite of the 3 so far.

There was a lot involved with this one, I'll try and summarise just the basic points! Background was misted with weak Meadow Color Wash solution, then drips of full strength Meadow added. 1/2 of background was covered with coloured tickets paper from the Lost & Found card stack. Strip of tissue tape added across the top. "KINGS" was cut from Lost & Found and placed on card. Clock was stamped and cut out then applied to bottom of card and trimmed. Trimmed clock piece added to top right of card. Game spinner and brad added. Boy stamped, cut out, coloured and fixed in place. Stripes stamped and cut out in crown shape, red metallic brads added, then fixed to boy's head. Arm (a leftover from another project) fixed in place. Pale grey promarker border added to key elements. Matted onto square of ticket paper from L&F, then stuck onto blank card.

Phew! I think I've included all the salient points! :)


  1. There is certainly a lot to see on this card but it all looks so right IYKWIM. Great card.

    Toni :o)

  2. yes, he is ... FAB! Love the clown arm too.. loads of layers and details to look at... superbtastic!! x

  3. Wow. This sure has a lot going on. It is amazing.
