
Wednesday, 4 February 2009


Many thanks to all the folks who left supportive messages on my last post! My tooth and I have not yet parted company, I need a specialised extraction and am still waiting for an appointment date :( I am no longer in any pain, which is the good thing! :) Am hoping that normal service will be resumed here soon!

Best wishes

Dan x


  1. Glad you are no longer in pain, but sorry to hear that you have to wait for an appointment. I hope you get one soon.

  2. Hope you don't have to wait too long Dan - glad you are no longer in pain. Toothache/pain has to be the worst. Sending ((((hugs)))) and hope all gets sorted soon.

    Toni :o)

  3. I got a grand pair of pliers hun if you want me to fetch them on Monday LOL Sorry you gotta lose it though, but at least the pain is at bay....big hugs for you love xxx

  4. Take care of yourself Dan. There is nothing like a toothache...maybe an earache comes in a close tie. But seriously take care and hope you don't have to wait much longer. Sending best wishes your way.


  5. Tooth pain is the WORST. I have (well, HAD) a molar on each side that needed root canals at different times and subsequent cleaning outs (whatever it's called). I finally told the dentist "Either YOU pull it or *I* will." Woo-hoo!! No problems now AND I can sip with a straw even when my teeth are clenched! :D The tooth on the other side was finally replaced with some shiny bling after I cracked the white stuff crown. (Now if I could only learn Morse code... then I could flash an S-O-S if I needed.)

    Seriously though, I'm glad you are feeling better. We've missed your wit and wisdom at the Cricut Lovers Yahoo Group. :)

  6. So sorry that they can't save the tooth thru a root canal or some other more conservative treatment. Glad to hear that you are no longer in pain and hope you are enjoying life again!

  7. So glad to hear that you are not in pain! I hope it won't be long before you get an appointment and get the issue resolved. You have certainly been missed on the group message board! Thanks for letting us hear from you.
    Gale M.

  8. Glad the pain is gone. Sorry bout the tooth though. Hang in there, we're all "pulling" for you! ~chris

  9. Glad your not pain!!! Bummer about having to waot though...

  10. So HAPPY you are no longer in pain!
    I have been there and done that crap!
    I had to go get my teeth cleaned yesterday and I was stressed all day!
    Keep getting better Dan!!


  11. I'm sorry that you've been having problems w/your tooth lately. I've missed your posts and had to come over to your blog to check up on you! Hope to see you back around before too long!

  12. the pain gone is good news Dan. Hope you get an appointment soon. Feel better.


  13. Dan glad you are ok,you had us all worried for a while.xx jo xx

  14. Good news to hear that you are no longer in pain, but sure hope you get this all taken care of real soon.

  15. Oh dear Dan, sorry to hear about your tooth troubles BUT glad to hear it's not painful anymore!

  16. Oh no dan, toothache is the worst, i had to wait almost 6 months to get my wisdom tooth out at the hospital, and the pain was unbearable for most of that!! Orajel is a great product, if you know anyone in the states that can send you the max stregth, that is even better!

    You have my sympathies, hope you get an appointment through soon!

  17. I was wondering how you were doing. So sorry to hear you're still having tooth trouble, but I am glad to hear you're no longer in pain. My DH has tooth issues all the time and is just miserable when it's happening. Hopefully you can get "back to normal" soon!

  18. No more pain - good news!

    Found your blog only a little while ago and have enjoyed your projects and videos.

    Hope the tooth fairy gives you a bundle for this one :0)


  19. I really miss your input, Dan....glad you're not in pain and hope you get that extraction done soon.

  20. Worry not, Dan! Only concentrate on getting better....just dropped by to check on you. Prayers!

  21. Hope you get your appointment through soon Lx

  22. Sure do miss you. Been checking your site everyday just in case I didn't get an email notice that you put something up. Hope you get that taken care of soon. In the meantime, I think I've watched all your videos again. LOL. You are awesome.

  23. Glad you're not in pain now Dan. Hope you don't have to wait too much longer for an appointment though
    Anne xx

  24. Hey there Dan, glad to hear you are at least not in pain now, nothing worse than tooth ache pain :( Not much fun for ya buddy :) Take care, Cheers Kris

  25. Hi Dan, it's good to hear you aren't in pain any more. Hopefully they will have a cancellation that will allow you to get in sooner. Keeping you in my prayers...

  26. Glad to hear your no longer in pain. That is certainly no fun! You'll be back to yourself soon! Take good care!

  27. Glad that your able to think, it's a blessing to be painless at least til your able to resolved the tooth problem and be free of the toothache for good. My prayers are with you. Hang in there!

  28. I was getting a little worried about ya Dan! Glad to hear your doing ok.
    Hope all goes well!

    Take care,

  29. so glad to hear you are no longer in pain. hope you and the tooth dont have to wait too long until your "divorce"

  30. good to hear that you are on the mend! I have been checking back daily and wondering if everything was o.k.! take your time to get better - we miss you but we will be patient!

  31. Dan

    Oh you poor darling. I hope you do not have much longer to wait. I will say a prayer for safe care and a fast recovery.

    Sandi N.

  32. Hope you are back to full health soon, just keep well away from Hels and her pliers!
    June xx

  33. Dan,
    Please take care of YOURSELF! That is what is MOST important!
    love hugs and prayers

  34. Heres hoping you are feeling back up to par soon Dan....pain is never a fun feeling...take good care...hugs

  35. Good to know you are on the mend. We were all worried as you were so quiet. Sheree

  36. Dan...I am so pleased to see you are feeling better. You have been on everyones' mind....I looking forward to you being back to your old self again soon, although probably..not as much as you! LOL

  37. Hi Dan...glad you are pain free now and hope you get it all taken care of soon. God Bless you.

    Kathy Billings

  38. Oh dear. I hope you've had it sorted by now!

  39. thank u so much for the video tutorial. it's so helpful and hust awesome. i'm still debating if i should be cricut DS vs SCAL. i was afraid that SCAL would be too difficult for me. but after watching your video, i think i can manage that. it's not that bad. honestly everything makes sense. thx so much

  40. Hey Dan get that tooth out yet?
    Hope your doing better.
    barb911 s/e mi

  41. See what happens when we dont hear from you, we all come looking.....
    Glad you at least had a momment to post....

    Tooth aches bite...but at least you are pain free!

    Thinking of you.....

  42. Hope your on the mend ~ we miss all miss you. :)

    Have a great Valentines day!

    Hugs, Cindy

  43. Dan, I hope you recover soon. I know how that pain is. Hope that you can find an appointment soon.

  44. Hope you're feeling better very soon. I keep dropping by to see how things are. Find your blog very helpful and I'm learning lots.
    Thank you and look after yourself.

  45. Dentists just don't get in a hurry, do they? I was referred to an oral surgeon a year and a half ago to have my Wisdom teeth removed. I'm still waiting on them to call me back....LOL

    Glad you're not in pain. I wish you a speedy recovery after your extraction is done. Ouch! Tooth pain bites! Pardon the pun! LOL

  46. Fingers crossed your appointment comes quickly. Hugs x

  47. Hey Dan. Happy Valentine's Day. Check in and let us know how you're doing. Hope all is well.

  48. Hey Dan! We all miss you over on SCAL! Hope you are on the mend.....hurry back.

  49. Hiya Dan, glad your feeling a bit better :)and hope it's not too long before you part your ways :)
    missing seeing you around the forum :(
    take care,
    Julie xx
    aka ScrappyDandyDoo xx

  50. I am so in need of a Dan Friday nights haven't been the same since you've been sick...hope you're on the mend...we do miss you and your tutorials and your creative files that you share with all of us.

  51. So sorry to hear you are under the weather. Nasty old tooth for causing you pain. Hope they get you fixed up real soon.

  52. Hi Dan!!!

    Hope you are feeling better :) Just wanted to let you know that I have given you a Kreativ Blogger award. Go here:

    to read about it.

    Take care!!!

  53. Hi Dan, just dropping by again to check in on you. I hope you are on the mend. Thanks for all you do and we are patiently waiting for your return. Take care of yourself.

  54. It has been some time since I have revisited but so sad to hear of your recent trying times. Hope that you have now got rid of that 'extra baggage' and are now feeling well on the way to recovery.
    Hugs & Best Wishes from Australia.

  55. Hey Dan! We miss you!!! I hope that all is well with you.

  56. Yes - we miss you - hope all is well.

  57. glad to hear your no longer in pain! Hope your back to your old self soon!

  58. Just wondering if you are ok Dan - it has been almost a month since his last post...I am beginning to wonder if all is alright in DANLAND????????

  59. Dropping by to say hello!!! Hope you are doing okay :)

  60. Hey Dan,
    Sending you hugs and hoping that everything is ok with you.

  61. I hope you are okay and have not had to wait too long for the extraction. I also hope your absence is for reasons other than the tooth or other illness. Taking a break for a while is good. Especially if you are able to enjoy it.

  62. Are you OK Dan? We're all worried about you! I'm sending love and well wishes! (((HUG)))

  63. Glad to hear you are no longer in pain. Toothache is a b*tch. Hope you are doing well.
    Hugs and well wishes

  64. Thinking you you. I hope your return. Take good care.

    Sandi N.

  65. Hi Dan,

    Where are you? Seriously hoping everything is ok with you. x Susy

  66. Yikes, another month has gone by, hope all is well!!

  67. J'espère que tout va bien pour vous. C'est vrai que vous nous manquez. Bon courage

  68. Since you have been dealing with this for so long I think that your next project should be something to do with dentists or teeth. LOL. Hope everything is alright.

  69. I just had emergency eye surgery and am recovered. I can see again but am so sad that I am not seeing you and your jovial comments. Hope you are well soon. Deanna

  70. Just popping by to say hullo and wish you well :)

  71. Hoping that you are okay - wanting you to know we're thinking about you! ~chris

  72. AWOL for a month! I do hope everything is ok with you and you managed to sort that tooth :O)

  73. Wow, Dan, that must be some tooth to be keeping you off the net for so long. You are missed very much. Hope you feel well soon

  74. Feel better Dan - I hope all goes well with the specialist

  75. Hey Dan - hope you're okay. I miss seeing your creations. Hope you are back on your blog soon.

  76. Dan wondering where you are and hoping your ok. not normal that you have not posted.... Beanie

  77. I, too, hope that your tooth has finally parted company with you. I recently had to have a double root canal, and it was pure hell. I can't imagine what you must be going through! I hope you are doing well!

  78. Dan,
    As with everyone else, I hope you are ok and just taking a break. We miss you and your creativity.

  79. Hey Dan. Seriously hoping everything is okay. Is there anyone who can post and update your situation for us? Hope to hear something soon. In the meantime, take care.

  80. :O)) An award awaits you on me Blog :O))

  81. Hey Dan! We miss you! We do hope you've just taken a prolonged break. You are missed.

  82. Hi Dan!!!

    I hope you are doing okay. We all miss you and hope that you are able to come visit again soon. Take care!!!

  83. Hi! I just found your blog and your videos. Thank God! I just downloaded Inkscape last week. I've been using Paint Shop for years, had no trouble with SCAL but Inkscape had in me almost in tears earlier today. All the tutorials I've found seem to start in the middle of something and made no sense. I watched your JPG to SVG video and I got it immediately. Then I watched paper piecing from colored's easy!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! (Sorry for gushing.) I love your voice, too.

    I hope you're feeling better soon!!

  84. Hi Dan,
    Just stopped by to see how you were. Hope you are feeling a bit better and will be back wth us soon, you are missed by lots of us, Take Care and get well soon, JAQI

  85. Sorry you've been under the weather- hope all is well! You are a great teacher and missing you on the sure cuts a lot forum!

  86. Hi Dan,
    I'm so sorry you're not feeling better yet. Like others, I hope that you have been able to sort out your tooth problem and will soon be back on the SCAL forum. You are missed. Sending you hugs from this side of the pond :)

  87. Anonymous - Wow, what a very sharp post? Do you know Dan personally? If not, then I suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself! People DO care when bloggers drop out of circulation and things do go wrong, especially with anaethesia, if this was involved. I for one am concerned about Dan's disappearance, even as an occasional visitor. It is highly unlikely that someone with Dans talent and creativity would throw a hissy fit that would keep him away from doing what he so obviously enjoys and at no time did he ever have to offer what he does as 'freebies', he obviously chose to share.

  88. Dan, miss you! Take care and I hope everything is ok and you are back soon miss your chats.
    From Rhode Island

  89. Hello Dan,

    I hope you are well - we've been missing you in the yahoo group.

    Please come back soon.


  90. Is there anyway we can find out if Dan is okay? Does anyone know him or maybe be able to get some information? I would really like to know if there is something wrong. I sincerely hope he's okay. Kelly

    And to "anonymous" What a coward you are. Get off the internet!

  91. So missing you Circus-Dan/Bat-Dan/Super-Dan !
    Have you metamorphed again?
    ...or maybe visiting the USA?
    Whatever hat you're wearing now I hope it sits on a painfree head and also a head filled with happy thoughts.
    Sending you strength, love and joy
    (just in case you need some!)

  92. As a matter of fact "anonymous", Dan happens to be a close friend of mine and who the hell do you think you are spouting off like that about someone that you have never met and do not know. Keep your petty opinions to yourself ... if you haven't got anything nice to say then keep your trap shut!
    My sincere apologies to all the other lovely peeps who have posted here with well wishes for Dan for getting overheated there but I just think that some people open their traps before actually thinking about what they are saying...and as for keeping themselves "anonymous" well, that really is tragic and cowardly! And, as a matter of fact, Dan did have a dental problem and no he hasn't got a massive ego - I rather think that it is "anonymous" who has the ego for even contemplating speaking out against someone who has been so generous not only with his time but also his knowledge.
    I am sure that Dan is most appreciative of all your lovely comments peeps and will be back soon.....
    Dan love, biggest hugs for you and please remember that we all loves ya and are missing you.....lotsa love Hels xxxxxxxxxxxx

  93. Hels,
    Thank You and "amen".


  94. Hallo from France
    A bientôt j'espère

  95. Hels thanx for letting us know that dan is ok and will be coming back to blog land!We all miss him and his fantastic work.GET WELL SOON DAN!!! xx jo xx

  96. goodness gracious me, I to like Hels am a good friend of Dans and was rather shocked and discusted at what the Anonymous individual wrote, especially when they do not know Dan and they have obviously visited Dans Blog regular for there weekly Freebie, I am assuming that the truth of the matter is they are rather miffed that at the moment they are unable to sponge of Dans fabulous talent and they themselves are missing getting something for FREE. I guess it takes all kinds in this world and they seem to be one of lifes unkind, well as most of us that visit Dans Blog are very appreciative of his Talent, His videos, His brilliant artwork and his sense of humour I hope to see him back as soon as he feels ready to be and am sure you all do to. We have to ignore the ignorance of one poster and wish Dan a speedy recovery, our love and hugs Dan, take care love Andrea xxx

    PS Hels said it all to, she has a better way with words than me xx

  97. Hello Dan i am a new follower of your blog and i have found this blog very interesting Sorry to hear of your toothache but i guess by now you have had the tooth removed... you poor thing hope all is well now please pop along to my blog and let me know what you think im new to blogger and i only have 1 follower at the moment take care x x

  98. To Hel,

    Thanks for sharing that Dan is doing a bit better. Please pass down to him my best wishes. He is doing what a smart person does: taking good care of his health. We only have one body.


  99. I've been away for a while and didn't know that you have been unwell. I do hope that everything is OK and that you will be back soon. I miss looking at your beautiful work. Your blog was a regular for me.

    God Bless


  100. Hello Dan. I am sorry you have been unwell. Just wanted to say thank you!! I just found your blog a short while ago and I have just been in awe of you!! Your videos are so helpful! I am truly grateful!! I hope you get feeling better soon!

  101. I just discovered this blog and I have spent the many hours now learning from Dan.I just noticed the date on the toothache post and became concerned so i started reading these posts for updates. I hope he is ok now and resting. I agree ,tooth pain is awful. I really really hope this very talented man is doing well. Best wishes you are missed...

  102. Dan - You and your work are amazing. We hope that you are getting taken care and getting back to normal. I have learned a lot from your blog and thank you for taking the time to teach so many of us. Thanks.

  103. Hi Dan, just checking back again to see how things are going with you... and you are still MIA!!

    Hope to see you and your wonderful art again soon,

    take care, hugs Annette

  104. Dan....

    Please stop by again and let us know how you are doing.
