I don't claim to be an Inkscape expert by any means, but hopefully, if you're new to the program, you will see how shapes can be created simply just from a collection of straight lines and a little tweaking! After cutting the wreath shown here, I added "berries" created from red card with a hole punch!
[Edit - Thanks for your question Carolyn, I should have mentioned that in the video! Yes, when you're finished if you save, it will save as an SVG by default. If you want to save a DXF for cutting on the Craft Robo, choose Save As and select DXF from the filetype list at the bottom of the save window.]
Thanks Dan - but can you just save it as an SVG file once you have done this bit?
You can tell I'm new to this!
Dan, as always, you have given me another reason to try my hand at creating. I am very intimidated by some of these techniques, but you present them so clearly. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
Gale M.
Thanks Dan, I have learnt so much in that short video! Now I can create a few more things to cut.
Wow, Dan, thank you for your great tutorials the last few days, I enjoyed them a lot!
Bye from Holland,
Saskia Haringa
Dan - You make things so much easier to learn. Thank you for taking time to make this video. It will help me so much, and especially if figuring out some simple things like how to select and the control feature is great to know.
Thanks Dan. That was a great and useful tutorial. You explained things perfectly for those of us who are beginners. I appreciate all that you do and share.
Dan. Thanks for posting this. You make inkscape look easier.
. Thanks so much.
Thanks Dan, I have never used Inksacape although I have it on my computer to save as DXF for my Pazzles cutter. I enjoyed this video. You make it look simple even though I know it's not.
Thank you so much. I have played around with Inkscape for several months and I still found lots I could use.
Cor you are so clever, I am baffled but I can appreciate that those of higher intelligence than me will love what you have done!!! LOL xx
Oh Boy! I've been doing everything by hand or in PSP, maybe, just maybe I can do it all in inkscape. Thank you, it was very easy to understand!
Fantastic. Thank you very much.
Thanks for the opportunity to see how inkscape works and for the demo
Really helpful
I've learned a lot of things I didn't know about inkskape. thanks very much
thank you so much dan, i am starting to use my robo for morethan just scrapbooking titles
mich x
Coming over from SCAL forum, LOVED watching your video several times. I also play around with Inkscape and learned new things from your video. That was awesome of you to go to the trouble of making the video. You should do more, you are a natural at this! Thank you again!
Thanks so much for sharing with us!!!
I have learn so much with your tutorials(videos)
Thanks for the great tutorial! I learned a lot from this short clip!
:) Rebecca us Ohio
this is FANTASTIC!!
I have been "avoiding" inkscape because I didnt understand all the buttons!! LOL..now i am going to go and play!
Thanks Dan!
Awesome video, you make it quick, precise, and simple to understand!
I want to use my Cricut to cut fabric to appliqued to a quilt.
I have drawn a girl. I imported her into the Inkscape, saved as a svg file. But when I bring her into the SCAL, she is not there.
What am I doing wrong?
Debby, if you email me, I'll try to help!
Thank you so much Dan. I am knew to all of this and you sure do have a great way of explaining things. Thanks again
Ooo i'm liking the look of this now I have SCAL :D
Thanks Dan :D
Julie xx
aka ScrappyDandyDoo
Thank you so much dan I totally enjoyed your video. I think I got it.
Thank you so much for doing this tutorial! I have SCAL and Inkscape, and didn't have a clue what inkscape could do! Amazing.... and INSPIRING!
Dan, I'm new to SCAL and Inkscape. Your tutorials have been invaluable to me. Your directions are so clear and easy to follow. Thank you so much. I've listed you in my bookmarks as "Favorite Blogger."
Carole from Florida
Hi Dan :o)
I have enjoyed your videos so much!!! I've been so intimated by Inkscape and you make it seem so easy!! I can't find the video though for "Basic Inkscape Tools". Would you please be able to direct me to where it would be? Thank you so much!!! C:o)
Wow! I'm so glad I found your blog! I really needed some easy to understand video tutorials to explain how to use Inkscape. Thank you sooo much for the time and effort you put into them! Of course you're accent doesn't hurt either!!! ;-)
Dan I can't get the video to run and I am very new to the whole Inkscape program. Any other way I can access it?
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