I thought it was time some of them were updated to caution against more modern phenomena such as divorce, drug addiction, etc. Cheery soul, aint I?

Pages 2/3
"Peter, Peter, married cheater, always looks for something sweeter"
Pages 4/5
"Little Miss Muffet sat on a bus, her marriage had crumbled with minimum fuss"
"Peter, Peter, married cheater, always looks for something sweeter"

"Little Miss Muffet sat on a bus, her marriage had crumbled with minimum fuss"

Pages 8/9
"Monday's child is tense of face, with nervous glance and can of mace"
"Monday's child is tense of face, with nervous glance and can of mace"

Pages 10/11
"Jack Sprat got none of that, his wife was never keen"

Pages 12/13
"Lucy Locket, electric socket, farewell note stuffed in her pocket"
"Jack Sprat got none of that, his wife was never keen"

Pages 12/13
"Lucy Locket, electric socket, farewell note stuffed in her pocket"

Pages 14/15
"Matilda told such dreadful lies, a friendless life became her prize".
"Matilda told such dreadful lies, a friendless life became her prize".
Comments welcome, as always!
Absolutely brilliant Dan - I don't know how you think these ideas up!!
Brilliant Dan. Well done. Wish I had your ideas and talent.
Sheils xxxx
yet again your talent is endless, amazing work x
Excellent Dan, didn't know you were a poet as well as an artist!
another brilliant book dan - you really are so clever!!
Dan, as ever, you have made a totally stunning book, with such a brilliant story to it.....well done you xx Hels
Brilliant piece of art Dan - well done you !
Love it :O) If I had half your imagination and talent I'd be very happy.
It's fab-well done you x
Absolutely stunning Dan, love the whole concept, terrific title & as a retired childcare assessor love the irony. Visually stunning & truely inspirational.
Fantastic book Dan, and a very insightful observation on modern society
another great project Dan. It made me laugh out loud so thank you
Well Dan, Where do you get your ideas! Stunning work as always.
Tina xx
Stunning as ever Dan - Is there no ending to your talent?
The best nursery rhymes i have heard for a long time. Magic, just magic!
Nicky aka Slinkyminx
once again an excellent project and a great idea using nursery rhymes
thats fantastic Dan--but then why am i sounding surprised your work ALWAYS is.
Oooooooh!!!!!!! Dan, you are a sweetie!! I am now the proud owner of Nursery Wrongs...and peeps, it is even more stunning in the "flesh"....thank you soooo much....hugs Hels xx
Wow, only discovered your blog today - fantastic projects and this one is amazing! How do you get the ideas? it is sooooo true!!!
Terrific idea..I know what you mean about ideas popping out of your head..enjoying all your past posts.
LOL. OMG, I'm still laughing at these, Brillant and soooo true!
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